TOMAS!!!!..Jason Hanks, here..I was wondering what kind of pen or brush do you usually use to ink your work?...I know you like those Pilot V5 V7 pens but do you use them exclusively?
Wellcome to the BunkArt blogspot. So far my idea will be to dump all kinds of my work on the blog and see what comes up. It will be like a cyber space gallery. There are a lot of cartoons, illustrations, comics ,doodles and very fine Art works that I have created in the last 30 years and plus , some published or exhibited and some not -and all they do now is collecting dust in my studio and house. So why not throw them into cyber space and bring some fun into the world and beyond? I hope the visitors will have as much fun as I had when I did them pretty pictures. Enjoy the stroll.
Welcome to this Blog !
And visit my other ones, too. If you like...
GROSS BEARS X-travaganza
The artist showing off his first whole series he made forTopps
TOMAS!!!!..Jason Hanks, here..I was wondering what kind of pen or brush do you usually use to ink your work?...I know you like those Pilot V5 V7 pens but do you use them exclusively?